25 books
Famous Discoverers and Explorers of America (Illustrated)
Famous Frontiersmen And Heroes Of The Border (Illustrated)
Famous Frontiersmen
Famous Generals of the Great War Who Led the United States and Her Allies to a Glorious Victory (Classic Reprint)
Famous Cavalry Leaders Through the Ages with the Heroes of Sabre, Spur, and Saddle
Famous Frontiersmen and Heroes of the Border: Their Adventurous Lives and Stirring Experiences in Pioneer Days (Large Text Classic Reprint)
Famous Scouts Including Trappers, Pioneers, and Soldiers of the Frontier
Famous privateersmen and adventurers of the sea; their rovings, cruises, escapades, and fierce battling upon the ocean for patriotism, and for treasure.
Famous frontiersmen and heroes of the border, their adventurous lives and stirri
Famous discoverers and explorers of America; their voyages, battles, and hardships in traversing and conquering the unknown territories of a new world.
Famous Discoverers and Explores of America
Famous Generals of the Great War
"Big Foot" Wallace
Gustavus Adolphus
Famous Discoverers and Explorers of America (Illustrated Edition)
Famous Indian Chiefs (Illustrated Edition)
Famous Privateersmen and Adventurers of the Sea
Famous Cavalry Leaders
Famous Scouts
Famous Indian Chiefs
Famous Discoverers and Explorers of America
Famous Generals of the Great War Who Led the United States and Her Allies to a Glorious Victory
Famous Privateersmen and Adventures of the Sea
Famous Privateersmen and Adventurers of the Sea (Illustrated Edition)