An outspoken advocate for social justice, Breyten Breytenbach, is a poet, novelist, memorist, essayist and visual artist. His paintings, drawings, and collages have been exhibited around the world. In 1994 Breytenbach received the Alan Paton Award for Return to Paradise. He won The prestigious Hertzog Prize for Poetry for Papierblom in 1999, and again in 2008 for Die Windvanger (Windcatcher), for which he also received the University of Johannesburg Prize. Breytenbach is the author of A Season in Paradise, The True Confessions of an Albino Terrorist, All One Horse, Mouroir, Notes from the Middle World, Dog Heart, The Memory of Birds in Times of Revolution, Lady One, and Voice Over: a nomadic conversation with Mahmoud Darwish, among others.