208 books
Nomination of Ben S. Bernanke
International accounting standards
Creating a consumer financial protection agency
Insurance regulation reform
An examination of the National Flood Insurance Program
Subprime mortgage market turmoil
Nominations of Randall S. Kroszner, Elizabeth A. Duke, and Larry A. Klane
Perspectives on modernizing insurance regulation
The OFHEO report of the special examination of Fannie Mae
Establishing a framework for systemic risk regulation
Oversight of the Securities and Exchange Commission's failure to identify the Bernard L. Madoff Ponzi scheme and how to improve SEC performance
Oversight of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act
The role and impact of credit rating agencies on the subprime credit markets
The condition of our nation's infrastructure and proposals for needed improvements
A comparison of international housing finance systems
The future of the mortgage market and the housing enterprises
Investing in infrastructure
Federal Reserve's first monetary policy report for 2008
A 21st century transportation system
Examining the state of the domestic automobile industry
U.S. economic relations with China
Nominations of Neel Kashkari, Christopher Wall, Sheila McNamara Greenwood, Susan Peppler, Joseph Murin, Luis Aguilar, Troy Paredes, Elisse Walter, Donald Marron, and Michael Fryzel
Examining the causes and lessons of the May 6th market plunge
Dark pools, flash orders, high-frequency trading, and other market structure issues