Gary Plowman is an Indie Game Developer and Web Developer with a passion for retro computing and retrogaming. This book covers coding fun arcade games in BASIC. The book has been used at STEM events and kids coding seminars across UK & Europe. Teachers have also used the book for introducing game coding to kids in the classroom. In the 1980s computer magazines were bought for their Type-In games by eager young teenagers looking to decipher the mysteries of early microcomputers. The Type-in listings were very important as a first step to learning the coding language of a machine and allowed kids and teenagers to pick up the concepts as they typed in a listing for a game or utility. This book tries to recreate that feeling but in a more structured and user-friendly way and provides a breakdown of the key concepts such as game loops, collision detection, game play improvements and suggestions for further enhancing the games. The book has been bought and used by teachers, STEM facilitators, ZX Spectrum fans, Commodore 64 & Amiga owners too! Sinclair BASIC is a fun and simple language but very productive and capable for learning the basics of computer coding.