69 books • 10 series
Pindare; Traduction Complete. Olympiques, Pythiques, Nemeennes, Isthmiques, Fragments. Avec Discours Preliminaire, Arguments Et Notes
Pindar's Olympische Siegesgesange in Durchgreifend Gelautertem Texte; Auf Der Grundlage Kritischexegetischer Untersuchungen, Nebst Begleitender Uberse
Les Olympiques
Pindar's Siegesgesaenge
Pindar's Siegesgesaenge; Mit Prolegomenis Ueber Pindarische Kolometrie Und Textkritik (1)
Odas de Pindaro
Le Odi
Odes of Pindar Volume 89-91
The Odes of Pindar
Pindar Volume 1-2
The Nemean and Isthmian Odes
Pindari Opera Qvae Svpersvnt
The Odes of Pindar in English Prose, Volume 1
Pindari Carmina Quae Supersunt Volume 1
Pindarou Epinikoi Isthmionikais; The Isthmian Odes of Pindar
All the Odes of Pindar
The Odes of Pindar in English Prose (Volume 1-2)
Pindar. the Olympian and Pythian Odes; With an Introductory Essay, Notes and Indexes
Odes. Literally Translated Into English Prose by Dawson W. Turner. to Which Is Adjoined a Metrical Version by Abraham Moore
Pindar Volume 1
Odes of Pindar (Volume 1)
The Extant Odes of Pindar
Hoelderlins Werke...
Carmina Cum Deperditorum Fragmentis Selectis