383 books • 35 series
Matthew Arnold (1822–88) was an English poet, critic and cultural commentator best remembered today for his poem ‘Dover Beach’. He was also a school inspector, and an early proponent for state schools and access to education.
Poems Volume 2
Merope; A Tragedy
Poems; Lyric and Elegiac Poems Volume 2
St. Paul and Protestantism; With an Intr. on Puritanism and the Church of England
Essays by Matthew Arnold; Including Essays in Criticism, 1865, on Translating Homer (with F. W. Newman's Reply)
Essays in Criticism; With the Addition of Two Essays Not Hitherto Reprinted
Culture & Anarchy; An Essay in Political and Social Criticism and Friendship's Garland, Being the Conversations, Letters, and Opinions of the Late Arminius, Baron Von Thunderten-Tronckh
Mattew Arnold's Sohrab and Rustum; With Questions and Suggestions for Study
The Popular Education of France, with Notices of That of Holland and Switzerland Volume N . 1
Essays in Criticism Volume 1
The Great Prophecy of Israel's Restoration; Isaiah, Chapters 40-66
The English Poets Volume 3; Selections with Critical Introductions by Various Writers and a General Introduction
Culture & Anarchy Volume N . 6; An Essay in Political and Social Criticism and Friendship's Garland Being the Conversations, Letters, and Opinions of
On Translating Homer, 3 Lects
The English Poets (Volume 3); Addison to Blake
Saint Paul and Protestantism
Matthew Arnold's Sohrab and Rustum and the Forsaken Merman
Isaiah XL-LXVI, with the Shorter Prophecies Allied to It (Volume 2)
The English Poets (Volume 2)
Irish essays and others
A French Eton; Or Middle-Class Education and the State to Which Is Added Schools and Universities in France
A Guide to English Literature, and Essay on Gray
Milton's Comus, Lycidas, and Other Poems