64 books • 2 series
The Moslem Doctrine of God; An Essay on the Character and Attributes of Allah According to the Koran and Orthodox Tradition
Islam, a Challenge to Faith (Volume 59; V. 164); Studies on the Mohammedan Religion and the Needs and Opportunities of the Mohammedan World from the Standpoint of Christian Missions
Primary Sources, Historical Collections (Primary Sources, Historical Collections)
Zigzag journeys in the camel country Arabia in picture and story
The Disintegration of Islam [Microform]
Mohammed or Christ; An Account of the Rapid Spread of Islam in All Parts of the Globe, the Methods Employed to Obtain Proselytes, Its Immense Press, Its Strongholds, & Suggested Means to Be Adopted to Counteract the Evil
The Disintegration of Islam
Mohammed or Christ
Taking Hold of God
The Vital Forces of Christianity and Islam
The Moslem Christ
The Nearer and Farther East; Outline Studies of Moslem Lands and of Siam, Burma, and Korea
The Moslem World...
Zigzag Journeys in the Camel Country
Raymund Lull, First Missionary to the Moslems
The Moslem Christ; An Essay on the Life, Character, and Teachings of Jesus Christ According to the Koran and Orthodox Tradition
The Mohammedan World of To-Day
Raymond Lull, First Missionary to the Moslems
Childhood in the Muslim World
The Law of Apostasy in Islam; Answering the Question Why There Are So Few Moslem Converts, and Giving Examples of Their Moral Courage and
Mohammed or Christ; An Account of the Rapid Spread of Islam in All Parts of the Globe, the Methods Employed to Obtain Proselytes, Its Immense
The Influence of Animism on Islam, an Account of Popular Superstitions