Constance O'Day-Flannery, the mother of two children, took up writing when her children started school and she had spare time to do what she had wanted to do for a long time. She has never taken a writing course and her inspiration came from reading romance novels during a period of recovery from surgery. She let her imagination take over and wrote her first novel in about a year and a half. In the process, she created an entirely new genre of romance novel, the time travel romance, one of the early variations of paranormal romance, and she quickly became a huge success. She has published more than twenty novels, and each and every one has appeared on national bestseller lists. She received the Romantic Times Book Club Award for Best Time Travel for Timeswept Lovers and the Romantic Times Book Club Award for Best Contemporary Fantasy Romance for Second Chances. In 2001, she moved to Ireland and spent several years living there. Eventually, she moved back to the United States and lived in Pennsylvania for several years before moving to the Atlantic coast region of southern New Jersey.