73 books • 4 series
A Year Amongst the Persians; Impressions as to the Life, Character, & Thought of the People of Persia, Received During Twelve Months' Residence in T
A brief narrative of recent events in Persia
A Literary History of Persia Volume 2
A Literary History of Persia Volume 1; From the Earliest Times Until Firdawsi, 1902
A Literary History of Persia (Volume 2); From Firdawsi to Sa'di
Revised Translation of the Chahar Maqala (Four Discourses) of Niami-I'arui of Samarqand, Followed by an Abridged Translation of Mirza Muammad's Notes to the Persian Text
A Supplementary Hand-List of the Muhammadan Manuscripts, Including All Those Written in the Arabic Preserved in the Libraries of the University and Colleges of Cambridge
The Literature of Persia
A Brief Narrative of Recent Events in Persia, Followed by a Translation of the Four Pillars of the Persian Constitution Arkan. 'Arb'ah Mashru-Tiyat-I Iran Namely, 1. the Royal Proclamation of Aug. 5, 1906. 2. the Electoral Law of Sept. 9, 1906. 3. the F
A Year Among the Persians, Etc. [With a Map.]
A Persian Anthology (RLE Iran B) (Routledge Library Editions: Iran)
Nasir-I-Khusraw, Poet, Traveller, and Propagandist
A Brief Narrative of Recent Events in Persia, Followed by a Translation of the Four Pillars of the Persian Constitution ... Namely, 1. the Royal Proclamation of August 5, 1906. 2. the Electoral Law of September 9, 1906. 3. the Fundamental Laws of Decemb
A Traveller's Narrative Written to Illustrate the Episode of the Ba B
A Supplementary Hand-List of the Muhammadan Manuscripts, Including All Those Written in the Arabic Character, Preserved in the Libraries of the University and Colleges of Cambridge
The Ta'rikh-I-Guzida
The Press and Poetry of Modern Persia
Revised Translation of the Chahar Maqala (Four Discourses) of Nizami-I'arudi of Samarqand, Followed by an Abridged Translation of Mirza Muhammad's Notes to the Persian Text
The Reign of Terror at Tabriz; England's Responsibility. Compiled for the Use of the Persia Committee
Catalogue of Two Collections of Persian and Arabic Manuscripts Preserved in the India Office Library
The Persian Crisis of December, 1911; How It Arose and Whither It May Lead Us;
A History of Ottoman Poetry; Volume 6
A Hand-List of the Muhammadan Manuscripts, Including All Those Written in the Arabic Character, Preserved in the Library of the University of Cambridge
The Press and Poetry of Modern Persia; Partly Based on the Manuscript Work of Mi Rza Muhammad Ali Kha N Tarbivat of Tabri Z