817 books • 404 series
Good Order Makes Men Bold, and Confusion, Cowards - Niccolo Machiavelli (Medieval Notebooks, #5)
The Sinews of War Are Not Gold, But Good Soldiers - Niccolo Machiavelli - Notebook (Medieval Notebooks, #12)
A Safe Stronghold Our God Is Still. a Trusty Shield and Weapon - Martin Luther - Notebook (Medieval Notebooks, #2)
Following the Light of the Sun, We Left the Old World - Christopher Columbus (Medieval Notebooks, #4)
Faith Must Trample Under Foot All Reason, Sense, and Understanding - Martin Luther (Medieval Notebooks, #3)
To Whom God Will, There Be the Victory - William Shakespeare - Notebook (Medieval Notebooks, #14)
If they wish to fight today, let them come like men - Bohemond I of Antioch - Notebook (Medieval Notebooks, #8)
I'll Fight, Till from My Bones My Flesh Be Hacked - William Shakespeare - Notebook (Medieval Notebooks, #9)