It's been a dream of mine to be an author ever since I was nine years old. I would scribble a few pages in a notebook only to find that notebook years later and say "Hey, that wasn't bad. Why didn't I finish it?" Many, many (more than I want to think about) years later I completed my first novel participating in National Novel Writing Month ( and have been writing furiously ever since, fueled by chocolate and multiple cups of tea. I save the champagne for celebrating when I'm done!My goal is to create sexy, romantic, and humorous stories. I started writing erotica because I wanted to know what went on behind the bedroom door of many novels. Plus, I love to make my critique partners squirm at every available opportunity.Besides writing, I have worked in graphic design (before we had computers!), public relations, home/office organizational systems, retail, and non-profit associations. I'm currently working on my teaching certification to teach art. Art/Writing? I can't decide because both are so much fun!I love reading with a passion, listening to lots of different kinds of music (Van Morrison, Springsteen, Southside Johnny, Saw Doctors), watching movies featuring studly men (Alan Rickman, Daniel Craig, Johnny Depp, Jason Isaacs), and listening in on other people's conversations.Please send me an email and say hello