Mike Scantlebury is my author name, which I chose once I'd decided to use my real name on the outside of books. I was born in the South West of England, but after a lot of roaming, found a new billet in the North West, across the river from Manchester (England). I've written dozens of books and you can find them on the shelves of online bookstores everywhere. They're mostly in the world of Romance and the smaller world of Crime Fiction and Mysteries. Mostly, the novels are like the great Colossus and straddle both sides of the stream. The thing that makes me interesting is that I also sing and write songs and you can find them on social media and the corners of The Web. Which is pretty good. I'm a bit old for the internet, really. Happier with an abacus

Nov 5, 2011
Cover of Merrin


Aug 22, 2011
Cover of Multi-Media


May 16, 2011
Cover of Lucky Ignatius

Lucky Ignatius

Sep 7, 2008
Cover of Off The Rails

Off The Rails

Feb 26, 2008
Cover of A Limp Piccolo

A Limp Piccolo