15 books • 11 series
Blueprint (Mit Press)
Blueprint (Blueprint)
G is for Genes – The Impact of Genetics on Education and Achievement (Understanding Children's Worlds, #24)
Genes and Genius: The Quest for the Intelligence Gene
The Genetic and Environmental Origins of Learning Abilities and Disabilities in the Early School Years (Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development)
The Relationship Code (Adolescent Lives S., #1) (Adolescent Lives)
Nature and Nurture
Genetics and Experience (Individual Differences and Development)
Nature and Nurture During Middle Childhood
Nature and Nurture during Infancy and Early Childhood
Development, Genetics and Psychology
Origins of Individual Differences in Infancy (Developmental Psychology)
Temperament (Psychology Library Editions: Emotion)
Behavioral Genetics (A Series of books in psychology)
A Temperament Theory of Personality Development (Wiley series in behavior)