31 books • 3 series
The Amazing Zoo in My Backyard
Time Is a Currency
Nationalism in Internationalism (Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics)
Parts Unknown
Segway Mike
Success Habits of Christian Milionaires
The Amazing Wildlife in the Prince Albert National Park
The Old Courts and Yards of Norwich
Social Democracy and European Integration
The Twelfth Man Standing
Bent and Broken
The Story of the Norwich Boot and Shoe Trade
Dark Matter and Collider Phenomenology of Non-Universal Gaugino Masses
Norwich Pubs and Breweries Past and Present
I Shall Raise Thee Up
Renovating For Profit
The Development of the Irish Labour Party's European Policy
Black Butterfly
Watermelon Row
Mamas, Don't Let Your Cowboys Grow Up to Be Babies
King Arthur
Satellite Dishes from the Future Bakery
Augustus Hervey