36 books • 13 series
New History of the Ancient World
Geography Is Destiny
Written for Faith
Simple Machines
What is Ancient History? (What is History)
Teaching Character in the Primary Classroom
Boy Chap to Ol' Chap
Teaching Happiness and Well-Being in Schools, Second edition
Foragers, Farmers, and Fossil Fuels (The University Center for Human Values)
When Bad Things Happen to Rich People (Switchgrass Books)
War! What Is It Good For?
BTEC Higher National Business eLearning
Greeks, The: History, Culture, and Society
The Measure of Civilisation
Greeks, The: Pearson New International Edition
Measure of Civilization
Why The West Rules - For Now
Palmers Hill
Teaching Happiness and Well-Being in Schools
Teaching Happiness and Well-Being in Schools: Learning to Ride Elephants
Athenian Empire (Blackwell-Bristol Lectures on Greece, Rome and the Classical Tradition)
The Dynamics of Ancient Empires
The Motorcycle Hearse and Other Undertakings
Greeks, The