40 books • 4 series
The Limits of Artificial Intelligence
Internal, External, and Pragmatic Influences
Finding Effective 'Force-Targets' for Two-Dimensional Multifinger Frictional Grips
A Design for Optimizations of the Bitvectoring Class. by J.T. Schwartz and M. Sharir
Identification of Partially Obscured Objects in Two Dimensions by Matching of Noisy 'characteristic Curves, '
Linear Operators Part 1 - General Theory Set (Wiley Classics Library)
Linear Operators Pt 1 - General Theory (Wiley Classics Library)
Linear Operators Pt3 - Spectral Operators (Wiley Classics Library)
Linear Operators Pt 2 - Spectral Theory Self Adjoint Operat in Hilbert Space (Wiley Classics Library)
Programming with Sets (Monographs in Computer Science)
Introduction to Matrices and Vectors
Information Systems and Psychoanalysis
Differential Geometry and Topology
Relativity in Illustrations
Linear Operators (Pure & Applied Mathematics S.)