In addition to the four stories in this anthology, Rick Bennett has two published novels, both of which are available on Amazon: Destroying Angel and Daddy's Little Felons. Rick's cybersecurity blog,, outlines his 22 principles of the perfect computer virus and introduces The Cyber Privateer Code. He still does guerrilla warfare for high-tech companies and can be contacted by emailing or texting 801.556.2012. Rick's one-man ad agency took Larry Ellison and Oracle from $15 million to $1 billion annual revenue in just six years. He also created Marc Benioff's pre-IPO ads attacking Siebel for Documentation of his guerrilla warfare advertising philosophy and examples of his work can be found at Rick went to Andover with George W. Bush (who became the 43rd president of the United States), and with Darrel Salk (son of polio vaccine creator Jonas Salk). He majored in mathematics at Whitman College. His invention, a voice stress analyzer, made the front page of every major newspaper in the country, and he appeared on numerous television shows, including NBC's Today and Tomorrow shows, ABC's Good Morning America, the McNeil-Lehrer Report, and The Mike Douglas Show. Believing his own press clippings, he sold his company to run for congress in 1978 from the state of Washington. Luckily, he lost that race and found a career working behind the scenes for high-tech moguls. He and his wife Rita have 4 children, 19 grandchildren, and 7 great-grandchildren. He runs his business from The Pirate Cottage on a mountainside in Draper, Utah and rides his bike several thousand miles a year up and down the mountain.