Basil King attended Black Mountain College as a teenager in the 1950s, and completed an apprenticeship as an abstract expressionist painter in San Francisco and New York. Although he did not begin to write regularly until 1986, an involvement with poetry has always been part of his life, first in doing art to accompany poems in books and magazines, later as a book artist. Today he is a working poet/painter. Some of his paintings can be seen on the website or on his Flickr site: King New333. His books include THE POET, WARP SPASM, MIRAGE, 77 BEASTS, LEARNING TO DRAW/A HISTORY, and now the special edition published by Marsh Hawk Press, THE SPOKEN WORD/THE PAINTED HAND/ FROM LEARNING TO DRAW/A HISTORY (2014) and HISTORY NOW/ FROM LEARNING TO DRAW/A HISTORY (2017).