39 books
Phoenix Wildflowers
Plants of Big Bend National Park
Denali Flora
Michigan Orchids
Wildflowers of the Lake Mead Region
Wildflowers of Zion National Park
Edible Wild Plants of Eastern North America
Chaparral Shrubs
Medicinal Plants of Appalachia
Alaska Trees and Shrubs
Southwestern Trees
Wetland and Aquatic Plants of the Northern Great Plains
The New Common Weeds of the United States
Homeowner's Guide to Training and Pruning Apple Trees
Door County Flora
Western Wetland Flora
Wetland Plants of the Upper Midwest
Grasses of the Southwest
Prairie Plants of Illinois
Wild Food Plants of the South Pacific and Southeast Asia
Death Valley Wildflowers
The New Edible Wild Plants of Eastern North America
Michigan Flora
America's Youngest Soldier