63 books • 1 series
The Charge of Ignorance and Misrepresentation Proved Against "a Lover of Cudworth and Truth" (Classic Reprint)
Conclusion of the Salem Controversy (Classic Reprint)
Mr. Upham's Speech on the Extension of Slavery
Oration, Delivered at the Request of the City Authorities of Salem, July 4, 1842 (Classic Reprint)
Salem Witchcraft, Vol. 1
Discourse on the National Fast (May 14, 1841): Observed on Occasion of the Death of President Harrison (Classic Reprint)
Letters on the Logos (Classic Reprint)
Oration, Delivered at the Request of the City Authorities of Salem, July 4, 1842
The Life of Timothy Pickering Volume 01
Letters on the Logos - Scholar's Choice Edition
The Life, Explorations, and Public Services of John Charles Fremont - Scholar's Choice Edition
The Life of Timothy Pickering - Primary Source Edition
Salem Witchcraft; With an Account of Salem Village, and a History of Opinions on Witchcraft and Kindred Subjects Volume 1
An oration delivered before the New England Society
Salem Witchcraft : Volume II (Illustrated)
Salem Witchcraft : Volume I (Illustrated)
Salem Witchcraft and Cotton Mather A Reply
Salem Witchcraft; With an Account of Salem Village, and a History of Opinions on Witchcraft and Kindred Subjects Volume 2
Remarks of Robt. E.C. Stearns and Resolutions of the California Academy of Sciences on the Death of Benjamin Parke Avery [At Its Regular Meeting Dec. 6, 1875] Volume 2
The Life of General Washington, First President of the United States Volume 2
The Life of Washington, in the Form of an Autobiogrpahy Volume 2
Lifeexploration and Public Services
The Life of General Washington Volume 2; First President of the United States