Richard Moore was born in Derry in 1962. At the age of 10 he was blinded after being shot by a British soldier by a rubber bullet. He went on to live an astounding life - father, musician, businessman. He worked in the area of peace and reconciliation during the Northern Ireland peace process, famously meeting and befriending the soldier responsible for his blindness. In 1996 he founded the charity 'Children in Crossfire', which aims to 'make a lasting and significant contribution towards the eradication of poverty' and which helps children all over the world. Richard lives in Northern Ireland with his wife and two daughters.
Jun 5, 2014
Cover of Etape


Jul 9, 2013
Cover of Observations


Feb 23, 2012
Cover of The Boneyard Set

The Boneyard Set

Dec 13, 2011
Cover of Chip Pocket Manga

Chip Pocket Manga