Michael Starks has now retired. Before the switchover of analogue to digital television, he led the BBC's feasibility study for digital television development and managed the UK Digital TV Project for the government in close collaboration with the industry and consumer stakeholders. He is the author of Switching to Digital Television (Intellect, 2007) and The Digital Television Revolution (Macmillan, 2013). He was the founding chairman of the Digital TV Group. He is currently a member of Lady Margaret Hall at Oxford University. He has previously been an associate of Oxford University's programme in comparative media law and policy, a research visitor at the University of Melbourne in Australia and a visiting fellow at the China Media Centre at the University of Westminster. He founded the International Journal of Digital Television in 2009 and edited its issues from 2010 to 2013.

May 15, 2017
Cover of Talking Monkeys

Talking Monkeys