59 books
The Electrical Conductivity, Dissociation, and Temperature Coefficients of Conductivity from Zero to Sixty-Five Degrees of Aqueous Solutions of
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry
The Modern Theory of Solution
Elements of Inorganic Chemistry
Hydrates in Aqueous Solution. Evidence for the Existence of Hydrates in Solution, Their Approximate Composition, and Certain Spectroscopic
Conductivities and Viscosities in Pure and in Mixed Solvents. Radiometric Measurements of the Ionization Constants of Indicators, Etc
The Elements of Physical Chemistry
The Theory of Electrolytic Dissociation and Some of Its Application
The Absorption Spectra of Solutions of Certain Salts of Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Iron, Chromium, Neod
The Electrical Nature of Matter and Radioactivity
The Freezing-Point, Boiling-Point, And Conductivity Methods