44 books
Jesus and Paul; Lectures Given at Manchester College, Oxford, for the Winter Term
Is Mark a Roman Gospel? Volume 7
Christianity Old and New; Lectures Given at Berkeley, Cal., on the E. T. Earl Foundation
Christianity Old and New; Lectures Given at Berkeley, Cal. on the E.T. Earl Foundation
The Genesis of Genesis
Is Mark a Roman Gospel?
The Story of St. Paul; A Comparison of Acts and Epistles
The Genesis of Genesis (1892); A Study of the Documentary Sources of the First Book of Moses in Accordance with the Results of Critical
The Genesis of Genesis; A Study of the Documentary Sources of the First Book of Moses in Accordance with the Results of Critical Science
The Beginnings of Gospel Story; A Historico-Critical Inquiry Into the Sources and Structure of the Gospel According to Mark, with Expository
The Triple Tradition of the Exodus, a Study of the Structure of the Later Pentateuchal Books, Reproducing the Sources of the Narrative, and
Theodore Thornton Munger
The Genesis of Genesis, a Study of the Documentary Sources of the First Book of Moses in Accordance
The Fourth Gospel in Research and Debate;
The Beginning of Gospel Story
Commentary on the Epistle of Paul to the Galatians
The Founding of the Church
An Introduction to the New Testament
The Beginnings of Gospel Story
Jesus and Paul