1,094 books • 1 series
A digest of the new Education bill
The Statutes, Second Revised Edition; From the Twentieth Year of the Reign of Henry III ... to the Second Session of the Sixty-Fourth Year of Queen Victoria Volume 9
A Collection of All the Statutes Now in Force, Relating to the Duties Upon Salt
A Complete Collection of the Treaties and Conventions, and Reciprocal Regulations at Present Subsisting Between Great Britain and Foreign Powers Vol
The Law Relating to County Councils
British Guiana Boundary; Arbitration with the United States of Venezuela. the Argument on Behalf of the Government of Her Britannic Majesty
National Health Insurance. Statutory Rules and Orders Issued During 1912, with an Index to the Statutory Powers and Rules and Orders in Force on 31st
The London Gazette Volume 1804 PT.01
The London Gazette Volume 1803 PT.01
The London Gazette Volume 1801 PT.02
The London Gazette Volume 1802 PT.01
The London Gazette Volume 1801 Pt.01
The London Gazette Volume 1805 PT.01
The London Gazette Volume 1802 PT.02
The London Gazette Volume 1805 PT.02
The London Gazette Volume 1804 PT.02
The Indian Councils Act, and the Acts Amending It
Forms of the Oaths of Allegiance, Supremacy, and Canonical Obedience, &c. Proclamation Declaring That the Proceedings of His Majesties Ecclesiastical
Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Consider the Subject of the Registration of Title with Reference to the Sale and Transfer of Land
Lodging Houses Acts; The Common Lodging Houses ACT, 1851, and the Labouring Classes Lodging Houses ACT, 1851; With Plain Directions and Forms for Putting Them Into Execution
Anno Regni Georgii II. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, Vicesimo Septimo. at the Parliament Begun and Holden at Westminster, the Tenth Day of November, 1747, Continued to the Fifteenth Day of November, 1753, Being the
The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland [1807-1865] Volume 47-49
Rural England Volume 2
The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Passed in the [1807-69]