Author Karen Kelly Boyce is a Jersey girl. Born in Jersey City, raised in Central Jersey, and now living in South Jersey, she often jokes that she might end up in the Atlantic before she's finished. Growing up, Karen loved to read, regularly reading two or three library books a week. She attended St. James Catholic school and graduated from Woodbridge High School and Middlesex County College to become a Registered Nurse. Married for more than four decades, Karen raised two children, Michael and Amanda, and now enjoys spoiling two grandchildren Conner and Kaitlyn. After years of working with the sick, she retired and returned to her love of books and writing. She has published four novels, eight children's books, and numerous magazine articles. Her work has been recognized by the Catholic Writers Guild and awarded by the Catholic Press Association and the Eric Hoffer Award. She now lives on a small farm with her retired husband, and they both enjoy traveling across America in their camper with their black Labrador retriever, Darby. While her husband works in his shop, restoring his classic car, she hopes to write many more books for both adults and children.