1,735 books • 75 series
Select American Classics
The Works of Washington Irving (Volume 9)
Life of Washington, Volume 4
The Complete Writings of Washington Irving, Including His Life (Volume 12)
Life of George Washington, Volume 13
Selections from the Sketch - Book
Histoire De La Vie Et Des Voyages De Christophe Colomb, Volume 3
Rip Van Winkle, and Other Sketches
Historia de La Vida y Viajes de Cristbal Colon, Volume 2
Washington and His Country
Life of George Washington, Part Two - Biography
The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature
A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada. to Which Is Added Legends of the Conquest of Spain
Bracebridge Hall; Or, the Humourists, Volume 2
Washington Irving's Works Volume 5
The Discovery and Conquest of the New World; Containing the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus
Spanish Voyages of Discovery
Tales of a Traveller; And, Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey
The Companions of Columbus
The Voyage, And Other English Essays from the Sketch Book
Istorii?a ?Zhizni I Puteshestvi? Khristofora Kolomba, Volume 4
Istoriia Zhizni I Puteshestvi Khristofora Kolomba, Volume 3
Tales of a Traveller (Volume 1)
Lives of Mahomet and His Successors