1,735 books • 75 series
Works of Washington Irving (Volume 10)
Washington Irving's Works (Volume 16)
A History of New York, from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty (Volume 1-2); Containing, Among Many Surprising and Curious Matters, the Unutterable Ponderings of Walter the Doubter, the Disastrous Projects of William the Testy, and
Irving's Works (Volume 26); Life of George Washington
The Works of Washington Irving in Twelve Volumes (Volume 12)
Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. (Washington Irving). (Volume 2)
Works (Volume 2, PT. 1)
Washington Irving's Works (Volume 33)
Les Contes de L'Alhambra (1); Precedes D'Un Voyage Dans La Province de Grenade
Les Contes de L'Alhambra (2); Precedes de Un Voyage Dans La Province de Grenade
The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. [Pseud.] Volume 1-2
Erzahlungen Eines Reisenden (2)
The Works of Washington Irving (Volume 1, PT. 1)
Alhambra (Volume 21)
Washington Irving's Works (Volume 28)
Works of Washington Irving (Volume 25); Washington
Washington Irving's Works (Volume 12)
The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent[lema]n.
The Analectic Magazine, to Which Is Added, an Appendix of Official Naval Docments, Volume 1
Voyages of the Companions of Columbus
The Analectic Magazine (Volume 7); Comprising Original Reviews, Biography, Analytical Abstracts of New Publications, Translations from French Journals, and Selections from the Most Esteemed British Reviews
Notes and Journal of Travel in Europe, 1804-1805 Volume 2
Works of Washington Irving (Volume 16); Mahomet
The Adventures of Captain Bonneville, and Wolfert's Roost (Volume 2)