1,735 books • 75 series
Tales of a Traveller, Volume 12
The Works of Washington Irving (Volume 9); The Sketch Book. Tales of a Traveller
A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada from the Mss. of Fray Antonio Agapida, 2
The Works of Washington Irving in Twelve Volumes, Volume 5
The Works of Washington Irving in Twelve Volumes, Volume 8
The Works of Washington Irving (Volume 12); Mahomet and His Successors
Mahomet and His Successors (Volume 8)
Notes and Journal of Travel in Europe, 1804-1805 (Volume 1)
Through the Flashlight's Beam: A Collection of Classic Scary Stories for Reading Aloud
A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus Volume 4
The Works of Washington Irving in Twelve Volumes, Volume 7
Selections from Irving's Sketch-Book
Works Volume 21
Notes and Journal of Travel in Europe, 1804-1805 Volume 3
The Sketch-Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. [pseud.], Together with Abbotsford and Other Selections from the Writings of Washington Irving
Irving's Works Volume 14
Works Volume 2
A History of New York, from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty (Volume 2)
Christmas Sketches
The Works of Washington Irving (Volume 4); Traveller
Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada, from the Mss. of Fray Antonio Agapida
Washington and His Country; Being Irving's Life of Washington, Abridged for the Use of Schools, with Introduction and Continuation, Giving a Brief Outline of United States History from the Discovery of America to the End of the Civil War
The Works of Washington Irving (Volume 18); Spanish Papers
The Works of Washington Irving in Twelve Volumes (Volume 9)