1,734 books • 75 series
The Irving Offering; A Token of Affection, for 1851
A History of New-York; From the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty; Containing, Among Many Surprising and Curious Matters, the U
A History of New-York; From the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty, Containing, Among Many Suprising and Curious Matters, the Un
Spanish Papers - Primary Source Edition
Representative essays selected from the series of Prose masterpieces from the modern essayist
Ausflug Auf Die Prarien Zwischen Dem Arkansas Und Red River
The Analectic Magazine (V.6)
Sammtliche Werke
Old Christmas : From the Sketch Book of Washington Irving (Illustrated)
Geschichte Der Kalifen; Vom Tode Mohammeds Bis Zum Einfall in Spanien
Astoria; Voyages Au Dela Des Montagnes Rocheuses (1-2)
Washington Irving's Sammtliche Werke Volume 38-40
Au Bord de La Tamise
Washington Irving's Sammtliche Werke Volume 51-53
Washington Irving's Sammtliche Werke Volume 10-12
Histoire de La Conquete de Grenade; Traduction Nouvelle de L'Anglais (1)
Irving's Works, Volume 23
Sketches of a Traveller; Aus Dem Sketch-Book Und Bracebridge Hall Von Washington Irving
Conquete de Grenade
The Adventures of Captain Bonneville [And] Bracebridge Hall Volume 11
Vie Et Voyages de Christophe Colomb (1)
Bracebridge Hall Volume 21
Histoire de New-York; Depuis Le Commencement Du Monde Jusqu'a La Fin de La Domination Hollandaise, Contenant, Entre Autres Choses Curieuses Et Surpren
Works Volume 6-7