75 books
The Book of History, Vol. 3
Two Centuries of Irish History, 1691-1870;
Studies in History and Jurisprudence Volume 1
The History of the World; A Survey of Man's Record
The American Commonwealth
Neutral Nations and the War - War College Series
Constitutions - Scholar's Choice Edition
Studies in History and Jurisprudence, Volume II - Scholar's Choice Edition
The American Commonwealth / By James Bryce - Scholar's Choice Edition
The Holy Roman Empire - Scholar's Choice Edition
The American Commonwealth Volume 1 - Primary Source Edition
The Holy Roman Empire - Primary Source Edition
The Study of American History, Being the Inaugural Lecture of the Sir George Watson Chair of American History, Literature and Institutions, with an AP
The Rise of New Nations; The Relations of Races in South America; The Two Americas and the Relation of South America to Europe; The Conditions of Political Life in Spanish America; Some Reflections and Forecasts
The Book of History; A History of All Nations from the Earliest Times to the Present, with Over 8,000 Illus. with an Introd. by Viscount Bryce, Contri
The Book of History; A History of All Nations from the Earliest Times to the Present, with Over 8,000 Illus. with an Introd. by Viscount Bryce, Contributing Authors, W.M. Flinders Petrie and Many Other Specialists
For the Right; Essays and Addreses by Members of the Fight for Right Movement.
Studies in History and Jurisprudence; Volume 2
The American Commonwealth; For the Use of Colleges and High Schools; Being an Introduction to the Study of the Government and Institutions of the United States
William Ewart Gladstone
Handbook of Home Rule Being Articles on the Irish Question
The American Commonwealth; The National Government. the State Governments Volume 1
The American Commonwealth; The Party System. Public Opinion. Illustrations and Reflections. Social Institutions Volume 2
Modern Democracies Volume 11929