89 books
Tracts in Controversy with Dr. Priestley; Upon the Historical Question, of the Belief of the First Ages, in Our Lord's Divinity. Originally Published in the Years 1783, 1784, & 1786, Afterwards Revised and Augmented, with a Large Addition of Notes and Sup
The Book of Psalms Volume 1; Translated from the Hebrew, with Notes, Explanatory and Critical
Sermons, Volume 3
Biblical Criticism on the First Fourteen Historical Books of the Old Testament Volume 12; Also on the First Nine Prophetical Books
The Charges of Samuel Horsley; Late Lord Bishop of St. Asaph Delivered at His Several Visitations of the Dioceses of St. David's, Rochester, and St. Asaph
A Charge, Delivered to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of St. Albans, at a Visitation Holden May 22d, 1783; By the REV. Samuel Horsley,
Biblical Criticism on the First Fourteen Historical Books of the Old Testament (Volume 10); Also on the First Nine Prophetical Books
Sermons (Volume 1)
Biblical Criticism on the First Fourteen Historical Books of the Old Testament (Volume 11); Also on the First Nine Prophetical Books
The Speeches in Parliament
Tracts in Controversy with Dr. Priestley Upon the Historical Question of the Belief of the First in Our Lord's Divinity; Originally Published in the y
Sermons [Ed. by H. Horsley].
Nine Sermons, on the Nature of the Evidence by Which the Fact of Our Lord's Resurrection Is Established; And on Various Other Subjects. to Which Is Prefixed a Dissertation on the Prophecies of the Messiah Dispersed Among the Heathen
On the Prosodies of the Greek and Latin Languages
Tracts in Controversy with Dr. Priestley; Upon the Historical Question, of the Belief of the First Ages, in Our Lord's Divinity. Originally Published in the Years 1783, 1784, & 1786, Afterwards Revised and Augmented, with a Large Addition of Notes and Supp
Sermons (Volume 1-2)
The Book of Psalms (Volume 2); Translated from the Hebrew with Notes, Explanatory and Critical
Die Bucher Des Apollonius Von Perga de Inclinationibus
Tracts in Controversy with Dr. Priestley Upon the Historical Question of the Belief of the First Ages in Our Lord's Divinity
The Welsh Freeholder's Vindication of His Letter to the Right Reverend Samuel, Lord Bishop of St. David's, in a Reply to a Letter from a Clergyman of That Diocese
The Voyage of Nearchus from the Indus to the Euphrates
A Review of the Case of the Protestant Dissenters; With Reference to the Corporation and Test Acts, in Which the Reasons Alleged by the Non-Conformists for the Repeal of Those Laws, Are Examined Under Three General Heads
A Sermon Preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London
A Sermon Preached Before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts; At Their Anniversary Meeting in the Parish Church of St. Mary-Le-Bow, on Friday February 20, 1795. by ... Samuel Lord Bishop of Rochester.