44 books • 6 series
Illegal Leisure Revisited (Adolescence and Society)
Taith Iaith Eto 4: Cryno Ddisg
Taith Iaith Eto 4: Llyfr Gweithgareddau
Taith Iaith Eto 4: Llyfr Cwrs
Anointed Whore
Woman Reading to the Sea
Life Among the Dead
Taith Iaith 4: Llyfr Gweithgareddau Glas
Taith Iaith 4: Llyfr Cwrs Oren
Taith Iaith 4: Llyfr Gweithgareddau Oren
Taith Iaith 4: Llyfr Cwrs Glas
Letters to Virginia Woolf
Taith Iaith 2: Llyfr Gweithgareddau
Taith Iaith 2: Llyfr Cwrs
Family Bites
Drifting at the Bottom of the World
The Artist as Outsider in the Novels of Toni Morrison and Virginia Woolf
Hammered Dulcimer (Swenson Poetry Award)
The Grants Register 1995–1997
The Grants Register 1993–1995