89 books
Les Moines D'Occident Depuis Saint Benoit Jusqu'a Saint Bernard, Volume 3
Les Interets Catholiques Au Xixe Siecle
Discours (1)
El Porvenir Politico de La Inglaterra
The Monks of the West, from St. Benedict to St. Bernard; Book IV. St. Benedict. Book V. St. Gregory the Great. Monastic Italy and Spain in the Sixth and Seventh Centuries. Book VI. the Monks Under the First Merovingians. Book Volume 2
Les Moines d'Occident Depuis Saint Benoit Jusqu'a Saint Bernard...
Historia De Santa Isabel De Hungria, Duquesa De Turingia (1207-1231), 2...
The Monks of the West, from St. Benedict to St. Bernard Volume 2; Book IV. St. Benedict. Book V. St. Gregory the Great. Monastic Italy and Spain in the Sixth and Seventh Centuries. Book VI. the Monks Under the First Merovingians. Book VII. St. Columbanus. the
The Monks of the West, from St. Benedict to St. Bernard Volume 1; Dedication. Introduction. Book I. the Roman Empire After the Peace of the Church. Book II. Monastic Precursors in the East. Book III. Monastic Precursors in the West. 1861
Historia De Sta. Isabel De Hungria Duquesa De Turingia, 2
The Monks of the West from St. Benedict to St. Bernard, Volume 4
The Conversion of England Volume 2; Being a Sequel to the Monks of the West
Saint Columba [Tr. from Book 9 of Les Moines D'Occident].
The Conversion of England (Volume 3); Being a Sequel to the Monks of the West
The Conversion of England (Volume 1); Being a Sequel to the Monks of the West
The Political Future of England (Volume 4-6)
Los Monges De Occidente
The Monks of the West, from St. Benedict to St. Bernard (Volume 3)
The Monks of the West from St. Benedict to St. Bernard (Volume 6)
Des Interets Catholiques Au Xixe Siecle
L'Eglise Libre Dans L'Etat Libre; Discours Prononces Au Congres Catholique de Malines, Par Le Comte de Montalembert
Les Moines D'Occident Depuis Saint Benoit Jusqu'a Saint Bernard (7)
Montalembert on Constitutional Liberty; A Picture of England, Painted by a Frenchman a Complete Translation of the Memorable Article Entitled "A Debate on India in the English Parliament," Which Has Subjected the Author to the Now Pending State Prosecutio
Historia De Santa Isabel De Hungria, Duquesa De Turingia (1207-1231), 1...