248 books
Remarks by Mr. Edward Everett on the French Question
A Sermon Preached at the Dedication of the First Congregational Church in New York
Remarks of Mr. Edward Everett on the French Question, in the House of Representatives of the United States, on the 7th of February and 2D of March, 1835
Speech of Mr. Everett, of Mass. on the Proposal of Mr. McDuffie to Repeal the Laws of 1828 and 1824, Imposing Duties on Imports
Oration Delivered Before the City Authorities of Boston
An Address Delivered as the Introduction to the Franklin Lectures, in Boston, November 14, 1831
Speech of Mr. Everett, of Massachusetts, on the Bill for Removing the Indians from the East to the West Side of the Mississippi
Address Delivered Before the N.Y. State Agricultural Society.
Dorchester in 1630, 1776, and 1855; An Oration Delivered on the Fourth of July, 1855
Lives of John Stark, Charles Brockden Brown, Richard Montgomery, and Ethan Allen
Academical Education; An Address Delivered at St. Louis, 22d April, 1857, at the Inauguration of Washington University of the State of Missouri
A Letter to John Lowell, Esq. in Reply to a Publication Entitled Remarks on a Pamphlet, Printed by the Professors and Tutors of Harvard University, Touching Their Right to the Exclusive Government of That Seminary
The Questions of the Day; An Address Delivered in the Academy of Music in New York, on the 4th of July, 1861
The North American Review (Volume 107)
The North American Review (Volume 62)
The North American Review (Volume 41)
The Works of Daniel Webster (Volume 4)
An Address, Delivered at Lexington, on the 19th (20th) April, 1835
The Prospect of Reform in Europe
The North American Review (Volume 92)
An Address Delivered at Bloody Brook; In South Deerfield, September 30, 1835, in Commemoration of the Fall of the "Flower of Essex," at That Spot, in King Philip's War, September 18, (O.S.) 1675
The North American Review, Volume 77
A Letter to John Lowell, Esq. in Reply to a Publication Entitled Remarks on a Pamphlet
Eulogy on Lafayette Volume 4; Delivered in Faneuil Hall, at the Request of the Young Men of Boston, September 6, 1834