I grew up in the small town of Norton, Ohio. I never really fit in with any particular group of kids. I was picked on quite a bit. It's never easy growing up and dealing with the stressful situations that many young people have to go through. Looking back now, it's much easier for me to say that it's okay to be different. For any of my young readers out there that are dealing with bullying, just understand that things do get better one day. You are allowed to be different. You are allowed to be interested in unique things. That's what makes you uniquely you. Recently, I was able to reflect on how much I enjoyed writing at a young age. I had suppressed working on my passion for a long time. I came to the realization that writing horror stories was a huge piece of the puzzle that had been missing in my life. This is what I need to do.I grew up loving all things horror, so naturally that is where my imagination can truly be happy, run wild, and have fun. At the present day, I live in Canton, Ohio with my wonderful dog, Bo. I investigate the paranormal in my free time as a hobby and when I am not writing. What makes me different is that I don't just love horror...I live horror.