13 books
Ein Jahr
A Brilliant Marriage, from the Germ., by the Translator of 'The Birthright'. [Followed By] a Domestic Tragedy, from the Fr. of H.S. Berthoud [And] Q
The Rose of Tistelon. Transl
The Rose of Tistelon, Tr. [By M. Howitt]
The Birthright, from the Original [Fideikommisset] by the Translator of 'St. Roche'.
The Professor Volume 3
Marie Louise, Or, the Opposite Neighbours [Tr. from Vinds-Kuporna. Followed By] Passages in the Life of James Leganger
Two Wives, Tr. from the Fr. [Version of Ett AR] by F.E.D.
Ivar, Or, the Skjuts-Boy, Tr. [From Skjutsgossen] by A.L. Krause
The Maiden's Tower [Tr. from Jungfrutornet].
The Brothers' Bet, Or, Within Six Weeks [Tr.] by the Translator of 'The Guardian'.
The Events of a Year [Tr. from Ett AR].
The Magic Goblet