23 books
Poetical Works (Classic Reprint)
Poetical Works (Large Text Classic Reprint)
Some Winchester Letters of Lionel Johnson (Classic Reprint)
Twenty-One Poems (Classic Reprint)
Poetical Works of Lionel Johnson - Scholar's Choice Edition
Selections from the Poems of Lionel Johnson. Including Some Now Collected for the First Time. with a Prefatory Memoir - Primary Source Edition
The religious poems
Post Liminium
Post Liminium; Essays and Critical Papers
Poetical Works
Poetical Works of Lionel Johnson
Selections from the Poems of Lionel Johnson. Including Some Now Collected for the First Time. with a Prefatory Memoir
The Art of Thomas Hardy
Twenty-One Poems
Some Winchester Letters of Lionel Johnson
Reviews & Critical Papers
The Growth of Love
Reviews Andand Critical Papers
Ireland, with Other Poems
The Religious Poems of Lionel Johnson