50,919 books • 54 series
The History of the Works of the Learned (Volume 11)
The Analectic Magazine (Volume 8); Comprising Original Reviews, Biography, Analytical Abstracts of New Publications
Autobiography, a Collection of the Most Instructive and Amusing Lives Ever Published (Volume 10, PT. 2)
American Church Review (Volume 31)
Cabinet Portrait Gallery of British Worthies (Volume 4-6)
Contributions to Psychology; Psychopathic Behavior and Others
Birmingham Medical Review (Volume 25-26)
The Journal of Jurisprudence (Volume 18)
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat (Volume 1921)
By-Paths of Bible Knowledge (Volume 2)
The Military Mentor (Volume 2); Being a Series of Letters Recently Written by a General Officer to His Son on His Entering the Army, Comprising a Course of Elegent Instruction Calculated to Unite the Characters and Accomplishments of the Gentleman and Sol
Bulletin (United States. Bureau of Animal Industry) (Volume 26-37)
Autobiography, a Collection of the Most Instructive and Amusing Lives Ever Published (Volume 22)
Bioletti Pamphlet Collection on Temperance (Volume 2)
Kettell, Samuel (Volume 1); Specimens of American Poetry
Christian Examiner (Volume 60)
The Dublin Journal of Medical Science (Volume 10)
The English Review (Volume 17-18)
Forum (Volume 54)
Physician and Surgeon (Volume 23)
Medical Observations and Inquiries (Volume 1)
The Metropolitan (Volume 50)
The Metropolitan (Volume 25)
Mahmoud (Volume 1-2)