50,919 books • 54 series
Proceedings of the American Academy
Public Health Reports and Papers Volume II
The London Quarterly Review (Volume 44)
The Edinburgh Review Vol. CXL
The North American Review Volume LXXXVIII
The Revised Ordinances of the City of Detroit for the Year 1871
The Student and Intellectual Observer of Science, Literature and Art
Transactions of the Sanitary Institute of Great Britian
Transactions of the Connecticut State Agricultural Society
Microscopical Science
The Islands and the People Facts about the Filipinos
The Hutchinson Papers
Barbara Markham (Volume 1-2); Or, the Profligate Requited. a Novel
Belgravia (Volume 43 1880-1881 Nov-Feb); A London Magazine
British Noctuae and Their Varieties (Volume 1)
Nedico-Chirurgical Transactions
The Dublin Journal
The Dublin Journal of Medical Science Vol.LXXVIII. July to December, 1884
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Lake Mohonk Conference of Friends of the Indian and Other Dependent Peoples
The Spirit of the Public Journals for 1803
The Sydenham Society
The House of Cecil
Greatest Short Stories (Volume 7)
The American Law Register (Volume 51)