428 books • 15 series
Institution de la Religion Chretienne
Commentaries on the Book of the Prophet Daniel
The Catechisme, or Maner [Sic] to Teach Children the Christen Religion Made by the Excellent Doctour and Pastour in Christes Churche, Ihon Caluin, Wherein the Minister Demaundeth the Question, and the Child Maketh Aunswere. (1568)
Catecismo Que Significa Forma de Instrucion, Que Contiene Los Principios de La Religion de Dios, Util y Necessario Para Todo Fiel Christiano
Ratio Et Forma Pvblice Orandi Devm, Atqve Administrandi Sacramenta, Et Caet. Anglorvm Ecclesiam, Quae Geneuae Colligitur, Recepta / Cum Iudicio & Comprobatione D. Iohannis Caluini. (1556)
The Cathechisme, or Maner to Teache Children the Christen Religion. Made by the Excellent Doctour and Pastour in Christes Churche Ihon Caluin. Wherein the Minister Demaundeth the Question, and the Child Maketh Aunswere (1580)
Sermons of M. Iohn Caluine, Vpon the X. Commandementes of the Lawe Geuen of God by [Sic] Moses, Otherwise Called the Decalogue / Gathered Word for Word, Presently at His Sermons, When He Preached on Deuteronomie (1579)
Four Godlye Sermons Agaynst the Polution of Idolatries Comforting Men in Persecutions, and Teaching Them What Comodities Thei Shal Finde in Christs Church / Which Were Preached in Frenchby the Most Famous Clarke Ihon Caluine (1561)
The Psalmes of Dauid in Meeter, with the Prose Whereunto Is Added Prayers Commonly Vsed in the Kirke, and Private Houses
The Cathechisme, or Maner to Teach Children the Christian Religion Made by ... Ihon Caluin; Wherein the Minister Demaundeth the Question, and the Childe Maketh Aunswere. (1577)
Catechismus Ecclesiae Geneuensis Hoc Est, Formula Erudiendi Pueros in Doctrina Christi. (1569)
The Catechisme or Maner to Teach Children the Christen Region [Sic] Vvherein the Minister Demaundeth the Questio[n], and the Child Maketh Ansvvere / Made by the Excellente Doctour and Pastour in Christes Churche Ihon Caluin. (1560)
Tracts Relating to the Reformation Volume V.2
Commentaries on the Four Last Books of Moses
Commentaries on the Twelve Minor Prophets
Tracts Relating to the Reformation Volume 3
Institutes of the Christian Religion; A New Translation by Henry Beveridge Volume 2
Calvins Calvinism, Part 1
Institutes of the Christian Religion; A New Translation by Henry Beveridge Volume 1
Ioannis Calvini Institutio Christianae Religionis (Volume 2)
Letters (Volume 2)
Letters of John Calvin Volume 1
Commentaries on the Epistles of Paul to the Galatians and Ephesians
Aphorisms and Letter to Francis the First, in Defence of the Reformation. Translated by a Graduate of Oxford University