496 books • 14 series
Jesuits and Jesuitism
The Insect
The Life of Luther Gathered from His Own Writings
History of the French Revolution, Tr. by C. Cocks
A Summary of Modern History, Tr. and Continued by M.C.M. Simpson
Histoire Du Xixe Siecle (1)
Priests, Women and Families, Tr. by C. Cocks
Histoire Du Xixe Siecle, Volume 1...
Histoire de France, Volume 7...
Geschichte der Franzoesischen Revolution
On the Highways of Europe
Spiritual Direction, and Auricular Confession; Their History, Theory and Consequences Being a Translation of 'du Pretre, de La Femme, de La Famille'
The Sea [Tr. by W.H.D. Adams].
Love. (L'Amour.); From the French of M. J. Michelet
Proces Des Templiers (1)
Histoire de France (1)
Henri IV Et Richelieu
Histoire de France (17 )
Introduction La L'Histoire Universelle; Suivie Du Discours D'Ouverture
Der Vogel; Im Auszuge Aus Der in Der Allgemeinen Deutschen Verlags-Anstalt in Berlin Von Sigismund Wolff Erschienenen Uebersetzung. Hrsg. Vom Munche
Histoire Du Dix-Neuvieme Siecle (2)
Richelieu Et La Fronde