240 books • 19 series
The Bishop and the Boogerman. Drawings by Charlotte Harding
Gabriel Tolliver : a Story of Reconstruction (1902)
The Story of Aaron, So Named, the Son of Ben Ali
Uncle Remus, Joel Chandler Harris as Seen and Remembered by a Few of His Friends
On the Wings of Occasions
Uncle Remus and His Friends; Old Plantation Stories, Songs, and Ballads, with Sketches of Negro Character. Illustrated by A.B. Frost
The Kidnapping of President Lincoln
Mingo and Other Sketches in Black and White (1912)
Aaron in the Wildwoods (1897)
Little Mr. Thimblefinger and His Queer Country Little Mr. Thimblefinger and His Queer Country
The Kidnapping of President Lincoln the Kidnapping of President Lincoln
Mingo and Other Sketches in Black and White (1912) Mingo and Other Sketches in Black and White (1912)
Mr. Rabbit at Home Mr. Rabbit at Home
The Shadow Between His Shoulder-Blades (1909)
Balaam and his master, and other sketches and stories (1891) (World's Classics)
Aaron in the Wildwoods. Illustrated by Oliver Herford
Told by Uncle Remus; New Stories of the Old Plantation. Illustrated by A.B. Frost, J.M. Conde and Frank Verbeck
Uncle Remus, Or, Mr. Fox, Mr. Rabbit and Mr. Terrapin
The Shadow Between His Shoulder-Blades. Illustrations by George Harding
Told by Uncle Remus
The Story of Aaron (So Named); The Son of Ben Ali Told by His Friends and Acquaintances
The Story of Aaron (So Named)
Uncle Remus and His Friends; Old Plantation Stories, Songs, and Ballads, with Sketches of Negro Character
Told by Uncle Remus; New Stories of the Old Plantation