14 books • 3 series
Groats-Vvorth of Witte, Bought with a Million of Repentance. the Repentance of Robert Greene, 1592. Edited by G.B. Harrison - Primary Source Edition
Shakespeare at Work, 1592-1603
A Last Elizabethan Journal V3
A Second Jacobean Journal V5
An Elizabethan Journal V1
Shakespeare's Tragedies
The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke. [introd. by G.B. Harrison]
A Notable Discovery of Coosnage, 1591. the Second Part of Conny-Catching, 1592. Edited by G.B. Harrison
Groats-Vvorth of Witte, Bought with a Million of Repentance. the Repentance of Robert Greene, 1592. Edited by G.B. Harrison
The Story of Elizabethan Drama
England in Shakespeare's Day (History of World Architecture, #3) (Critical Essays on the Classics, #3) (Acs Symposium Series,, #3)
Elizabethan England
Maj Brit Writ Shtr College
Harrison Shakespeare Complete