138 books • 6 series
Homeric Ballads
The Iliad, Books One to Eight
The Odyssey, Tr. by A. Pope, with Notes by T.A. Buckley. [Followed By] the Battle of the Frogs and Mice [Tr.] by Archdeacon Parnell
The Iliad of Homer Volume 4
The Iliad -Of -Homer Volume 2
The First Six Books of Homer's Iliad, with an Interpaged Tr. and Numerous Notes, by the Author of 'The First Six Books of Virgil's Aeneid'
Homer's Gesange, Verdeutscht Von J. Minckwitz
Homers Odyssee (6 )
L'Iliade [Et L'Odyssee] (5 )
L' Odyssee (2)
Werke; Mit 25 Kupf
Odissea Di Omero Volume 1
Werke; Ilias
L'Iliade [Et L'Odyssee] (11 )
Odyssee (1)
Iliade Di Omero (3 )
Homere; Chants... (7)
Iliade (1 )
Iliade Di Omero (2 )
Homers Werke; In 4 Banden. Ilias
Odissea (2)
L'Iliade [Et L'Odyssee] (12 )
L'Iliade [Et L'Odyssee] (10 )
Rhapsodiae I-XII (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum Et Romanorum Teubneriana)