451 books • 64 series
Aesopi Phrygis Fabulae Jam Recenter Ex Collatione Optimorum Exemplarium Emendatius Excusae ... (1668)
Mythologia Ethica, Or, Three Centuries of Aesopian Fables in English Prose Done from Aesop, Phaedrus, Camerarius, and All Other Eminent Authors on This Subject
Aesopi Phrygis Fabulae, Jam Recenter Ex Collatione Optimorum Exemplarium Emendatius Excusae, Una Cum Nonnullis Variorum Autorum Fabulis Adjectis. Et Indice Correctiori Praefixo. (1649)
Aesop's Fables Translated by George Fyler Townsend
Aesop's Fables. with Instructive Morals and Reflections, Abstracted from All Party Considerations, Adapted to All Capacities
Three Hundred Aesop's Fables. Literally Translated from the Greek. by George Fyler Townsend
Memorial Edition of Thomas Bewick's Works Volume 2
Der Illustrierte Lateinische Aesop in Der Handschrift Des Ademar, Codex Voss(c)Anus Lat. Oct. 15, Fol. 195-205. Einleitung Und Beschreibung Von Dr. Georg Thiele
Llibre del Sabi y Clarissim Fabulador Isop; Historiat y Notat ALS Marges del Llibre y Ara Novament Corretgit Per R. Miquel y Planas En Vista de Les Edicions de 1550 y 1576 y de Les Posteriorment En Catala Publicades
The Fables of Aesop, as First Printed by William Caxton in 1484, with Those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio, Now Again Edited and Induced by Joseph Jacobs Volume 2
The Book of Fables, Chiefly from Aesop
Aesop's Fables. with Instructive Morals and Reflections, Abstracted from All Party Considerations, Adapted to All Capacities; And Design'd to Promote Religion, Morality, and Universal Benevolence.
The Etymologist of Aesops Fables Containing the Construing of His Latine Fables Into English
Aesopi Phrygis Fabulae, Nunc Demum Ex Collatione Optimorum Exemplarium AB Infinitis Pene Mendis Repurgatae. Una Cum Nonnullis Variorum Authorum Fabulis Adjectis. Et Indice Correctiori Praefixo.
Fabulae Aesopi Selectae,
Aisopou Mythoi
Fabulae Graeco-Latinae, Cum Novis Notis, Necnon Versione Emendata
Esopus, Volume 2
Folk-Lore and Fable
Three Hundred Aesop's Fables
Sporting Reminiscences of Hampshire; From 1745 to 1862
Aesop, Junior, in America; Being a Series of Fables Written Especially for the People of the United States of North America
Favole Di Esopo Frigio Colla Vita del Medesimo Tradotta Ed Ornata Dal
Fables D'ésope