2,158 books • 77 series
Pomes Choisis 1822-1865
Oeuvres Completes
La Légende des Siècles (La Legende Des Siecles, #2) (Litterature) (Victor Hugo (Books-G-PH Ballin-Edition)
Les chants du crepuscule/Les voix interieures/Rayons et les ombres
Oeuvres Poetiques
Ecrits politiques
Things Seen
By Order of the King
Marion de Lorme
The Burgraves
The Twin Brothers
Torquemada and Esmeralda
Amy Robsart
Angelo (Litterature)
Mary Tudor
The Fool's Revenge and Lucretia Borgia
Los Pirineos
The History of a Crime
Cast Up by the Sea
The Battle of Waterloo
Bug-Jargal (Victor Hugo Ecrits Rares Et Inacheves, #1) (Litterature)
Hans of Iceland