2,169 books • 1 series
Leaders of the Oglala Sioux
Lee's Old War Horse
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings
Legendary Explorers
Ingrid Bergman
Karl Marx & The Communist Manifesto
Kaiser Wilhelm II
King Arthur
Jes s de Nazareth
King Henry VIII & Queen Anne Boleyn
John Calvin
Leaders of the Sioux
Leaders of Gettysburg
Grant & Sherman
Grant and Lee
Fort Sumter & First Bull Run
Francisco Pizarro & The Inca
Defeat at Gettysburg
Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers
Defeat at Shiloh
Angkor Wat
The Stonewall Brigade and Hood's Brigade
The Three Mile Island Accident
Fighting the Third Crusade