104 books • 4 series
The Fish Symbol and the Pomegranate
Why Divine Honors Were Paid to Plants
Symbolism of the Cross and Rosary
Pyramids, Obelisks, and Church Spires as Sun Symbols
The Good and Evil Principles According to Ancient Art and Mythology
The Diviner Human Soul or Nous
Athena or Minerva, the Divine Wisdom and Her Symbols
Allegorical Symbols and Stories Explained in the Mysteries
The Goat and Priapic Orgies According to Ancient Art and Mythology
The Solar System Anciently Known, Ancient Temple Circles, and Fire Worship
Origin of the Mystical Rites According to Ancient Art and Mythology
The Mysteries According to Ancient Art and Mythology
Human Sacrifices and the Mystic Baptism of Blood
Hippa the Ancient Goddess According to Ancient Art and Mythology
Animal Symbols According to Ancient Art and Mythology
The RAM Representing Wisdom According to Ancient Art and Mythology
Hermes or Mercury and Vulcan the Fire God
The Swine
The Fish Symbol According to Ancient Art and Mythology
The Mystic Dance According to Ancient Art and Mythology
Pan, the Nymphs, and Their Relations to the Sexual Symbolism
Boxing, a Feature of the Mystic Worship According to Ancient Art and Mythology
Lightning and Sulfur Denoting the Masculine Divine Principle
Symbolism of the Horse According to Ancient Art and Mythology