186 books • 10 series
The Fruits of the Devotions to the Sacred Heart; A Course of Sermons for the First Fridays of the Year
The Divine Praises; Addresses to Holy Name Societies
Travels Through Portugal and Spain, During the Peninsular War
The One Pound Note in the Rise and Progress of Banking in Scotland, and Its Adaptability to England
Epistle to the Ephesians
The Contrast; Or the Bible and Abolitionism
The Jordan and the Rhine; Or, the East and the West. Being the Result of Five Years' Residence in Sy
Two Fancies and Other Poems
The Creed of Science Religious, Moral, and Social
Deirdre and the Sons of Uisneach
Officers & Gentlemen (Eyewitness to War)
The One Pound Note in the History of Banking in Great Britain
The Sweetest Swing
Smugglers' Notch
Lochmaben Five Hundred Years Ago
Amoricon and Other Poems
The Places You Can Go
Terra Incognita
The Creed of Science
Vox Publica
Newfoundland Sagas
Volcano Island